Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Year Book Yourself

This is a great waste of time that you will want to share with all your friends. It is called Year Book Yourself. Below are some of me and my favorite years.

1952, 1956, 1958, 1960

1964, 1968, 1970, 1974

1976, 1978, 1980, 1982

1990, 1994

Monday, September 15, 2008

Sunday Colthes

Every Sunday morning I go to church and put on my Sunday best. I have always wanted to know what makes Sunday morning so special that we have to wear a coat, tie, dress, or the like. What is it about that magical hour that makes us all dress up? Why is it that 7 hours later we can worship God wearing jeans? I have been trying to discover the theological reasons for this. I know it must be scriptural for it transcends denominational lines.

1. It is the reverse of sack cloth and ashes. In the Old Testament to show signs of repentance you would tear your clothes and put on sack cloth and ashes. But being New Testament Christians we must do the reverse. So we put on skirts, dresses, ties, coats, etc. Sunday is the first day of the new week so we put on our best clothes to show God how holy we want to become that week. We feel fresh, revived, and ready to be the perfect Christian. 7 hours later we have had a fight with our wife over being late for church, watched football and enjoyed the beer commercials, took a nap instead of visiting the hospital. In just 7 hours we basically realize that we have sinned and that God knows we are not holy so we wear jeans and pray for grace.

2. Soiled Garments. Every self respecting Christian eats out on Sunday. You go to church, give mom the day off, and go out to eat. You enjoy a good meal, condemn the waiter for working on Sunday, and then you spill salsa on your clothes and you can't wear them again that night. So we throw on our jeans and polo.

3. The Angels Dressed Up. Luke 24:4 ...two men suddenly appeared to them, clothed in dazzling robes. You see this was on a Sunday morning. So here is the Biblical example. They dressed up in dazzling robes not dingy ones. Now later on in Luke 24 we find 2 men traveling and they meet and ate with Jesus. Everyone knows that you don't travel in your Sunday best so the Sunday night meeting with Jesus must have been informal. They were likely wearing there every day robes not there dazzling robes.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


If you don't know I have adult ADD. I have a very hard time concentrating and often find myself trying to do 5 things at once while thinking about 6 other things. I am never still in that I am always moving my toes, legs, rubbing something with my hands, etc. I get bored quickly and look for something else to stimulate me. So I have to work very hard to get things done.

I can begin reading and find myself surfing the web for something that I normally can't remember 3 minutes later then spend an hour looking at blogs, sites, etc.

I find that I do better when I have a schedule, a list, and the like. So I spent part of Labor Day making out my reading list. I like reading but if I don't have clear cut goals I get side tracked, distracted and the like. I am trying to read Knowing God for the 4th time. I am on chapter 4 today. I just have a hard time getting into this book. But I am determined. I should finish it on September 30 (chapter a day). This is how I normally read, one chapter a day in about 4 books. Would do one at a time but can't concentrate that long on one book.

If anyone else has tips on how you deal with this let me know.