(A Take off of Stuff Christians Like)
We have all been in a Bible discussion when a scripture war breaks out. We trade verses that prove our points in hope that we will somehow prove the other person wrong and that they will convert to our way of thinking. The problem is that at the end there is no defined winner. It is like the presidential debates both sides return to their corners and they think and spin how they won. So we need a scoring system to help us be able to declare a winner. So the following is my proposed scoring system:
Old Testament Verses +3pts
New Testament Verses +2pts
Bonus points for:
Quoting it from the KJV or ASV +2pt
Levitical Law +2pts
Minor Prophet excluding Jonah +2pts
Giving book chapter and verse +2pts
Proof texting to prove your point +2pts
Red letter verses +3pts
Verses quoted in New Testament +3pts
From God +3pts
Referring to the Holy Spirit +3pts
Verses from Revelation +3pts
Verses that you can illustrate or explain with a scene from a movie +3pts
Verses that refer to some obscure practice that now brings out the junior high reaction in all of us (Examples: Ezekiel 23:19-20 and Deuteronomy 23:1) +5pts
List of all the things that will send you to hell +5pts
Penalty points for:
Verses from VBS stories -3pts
Verses found on a sign at a football game, a Thomas Kincaid picture, a coffee mug, etc -3pts
Quoting it from the Message -2pts
Quoting an evil person -3pts
Being caught proof texting to prove your point -4pts
Verses that are a common song -5pts
Thinking it was in the Bible but its not (cleanliness is next to godliness) -10pts
1 comment:
Rusty..I had to laugh at this but in all honesty it is sad that sometimes "real" christians (we know and love) seem to have a score sheet of things just like this... great post it does make you think..
Sometimes I know our relationship with Christ gets lost and it is more about who can be better at keeping score and getting it all right!
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